Tailor-made solutions for your plants

As experts in special machine construction, we offer our customers tailored solutions to make production and manufacturing conditions as effective as possible by implementing individual measures. Genuine experts with experience and in-depth process knowledge are required for this.

In special machine construction, every machine is unique – a one-of-a-kind creation that demands everything that demands the utmost engineers, designers, and fitters, because there is no such thing as an off-the-peg solution. Or to put it another way: We invent a completely new machine for your processes.

Optimize your plants

Sebastian Spies

Sebastian Spies


Auto­matisation of systems­technology

Our developments are based not only on our many years of experience, but above all on the know-how we have acquired over an extensive period. With the combined use of state-of-the-art technology and artificial intelligence (AI), we create systems that reflect the possibilities of today.

The use of state-of-the-art robot technology affords far-reaching economic advantages:

  1. Technical systems increase safety
  2. They protect the health of your employees
  3. They minimize the risk of accidents resulting in personal injury

Automation for every need

Our custom-tailored special machines ensure that you are well-equipped to face the challenges posed by globalized markets.

Our developments help to reduce production costs while at the same time increasing both productivity and product quality.

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